Fathom: getting below the surface of the UK fishing industry.

Fathom 20: A collection of stories on safety at sea

Paul Trebilcock Season 1 Episode 20

‘All fishermen know the job is dangerous… it’s nice to keep it in your mind that there are people who care about you at home… rather than, you need to wear your lifejacket, you need to do this, you need to do that!’ Ben, skipper at Newlyn 

This week is a special episode of Fathom to celebrate and share #MaritimeSafetyWeek, #SeafarersWeek and the launch of a powerful new fishing safety campaign, #HomeandDry. We have taken this opportunity to have a conversation with not one, but five people from across the industry, getting to grips with what safety means, and how the difficult, sometimes tiresome topic of safety should be talked about. 

We have collated all interviews into one podcast, a wonderful collection of conversations which you can sail through and catch snippets of emotion, experience and expertise from the quayside. We kick off with Fathom host and the CFPO Chief Exec Paul Trebilcock, who explores the positive changes happening within the industry. We then speak to Dave Driver, a skipper from Brixham, a man who’s time at sea has witnessed the loss of close friends. 

Importantly, campaigning for safety awareness within the fishing industry does not have to be a story of fear, danger, risk and rules. The new and compelling #HomeandDry campaign, which has been crafted from extensive research conducted with fishermen, tells quite a different story - one of home, community, family and love. Our interview with skipper Ben from the Real Cornish Crab Company highlights a heartwarming and important message, that fishermen go to sea and arrive home safe for those who love them. 

Roger Gee of the MCA offers a glimpse at a new code that will improve the safety of fishing vessels, and urges anyone to get in touch with suggestions. We also hear from Patch Harvey, Cox of the famous Penlee lifeboat, who shares some life-changing advice on keeping your crew trained and prepared at sea. By weaving together these voices, we tell a bigger story of fishing: one of pride, preparation and community.
